Why Periscope and not just a video interview posted on a website?
Davis Drive Elementary Students
The Hashtag. Conferences are hashtag heaven! Everyone is Tweeting out their best moments and gems of wisdom and it's all captured in the Twittersphere via the hashtag. Search #NCTIES17 or #ISTE2017 and it's all there. What better place to extend the reach of our students than to broadcast their message to everyone following the conference hashtag?
The Interview. Turns out kids love to be interviewed. Even the kids who seemed reluctant at first, were amazing and lost their reservations once we started the interview. A little background. I treated the students as if they were guests on a live TV show. I told them that I would do a quick introduction to our audience and then ask them to introduce themselves and tell us about their project. I let them know that our audience might ask questions live on screen. This brief preparation had the effect of freaking them out and making them super excited all at the same time.

The Power of Periscope. I don't use Periscope for everything. There are times when Google Hangouts is the right tool and other times when uploading a video to Youtube is the best choice. But, for amplifying student voice to the education community following a hashtag and connecting students to that authentic audience, Periscope is a powerful tool.