If you follow educators on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram at this time of year, you'll see a curious mix. Posts of family, the beach, and warm days in flip flops and shorts are mixed with posts of flip-flop wearing educators in gymnasiums and classrooms looking earnestly at a presenter or chatting enthusiastically in front of chart paper and markers. These are the educators of August. Holding on to the last weeks of summer while simultaneously gearing up for the coming school year.

In my new role as Educator on Loan for the NC Digital Teaching and Learning division, I've
presented at workshops all over the state this summer. Hundreds of teachers, administrators, counselors and coaches have dedicated part of their summer to learning and applying new strategies, new technology tools, and new programs. I have to say, I love these people and I respect their dedication.
One way to extend the learning through the coming school year is to contact your NCDPI Educators
on Loan, Stacy Lovdahl (that's me) and Teika Clavell. We are right there with you finding ways to apply technology tools and strategies to improve student achievement. Contact us to plan some amazing PD related to instructional technology integration, digital teaching and learning and just plain good teaching.
Check out our sessions at this link . Use the menu on the left side of the web page to choose from the many workshops and hands-on sessions designed to focus on instructional best-practices using technology tools. Each session can be customized to meet your district's unique needs. Contact us at stacy.lovdahl@dpi . nc . gov (west) or teika.clavell@dpi . nc . gov (east) for more information.